Benefits of Beetroot

Beetroot is a magical superfood and one of our favorite vegetables. An excellent source of fiber, folate, potassium and vitamin C,  beetroot can improve heart health by increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure. For fitness enthusiasts, beetroot can enhance your physical endurance and recovery with just an average serving size per day. Below we’ll outline what makes beetroot so nutritious and how to incorporate the purple plant into your diet and workout to achieve your fitness goals. 

Anatomy of the Beet

Most vegetable lovers are familiar with the intense, purple color of the beetroot, but the leafy portion of the beetroot is more akin to spinach in taste and appearance. Both elements of the beetroot are edible and delicious when boiled, steamed or roasted, or blended into a natural energy drink like Aila. This special vegetable is flavorful, colorful and full of healthy benefits. It’s also easy to grow and can survive a wide range of temperatures and climates. 

Beetroot Ingredients List

Beetroot boasts quite an impressive ingredient list, like fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin B9 (folate) and iron. This small but mighty vegetable is jam packed with healthy nutrients that enable a healthy and balanced life. Below is a refresh and review of the advantages of these healthy substances packed in a beetroot:

Fiber: Maintains bowel health, stabilizes blood sugar and lowers cholesterol 

Potassium: Regulates heartbeat, muscle and nerve function; synthesizes proteins and metabolizes carbohydrates

Vitamin C: Growth, development, and repair of the body; strengthens immune system

Vitamin B: Brain health and function, transporting nutrients throughout the body

Vitamin B9: Red blood cell formation, healthy blood cell growth and function

Iron: Energy, focus and gastrointestinal process improvement

Integrate Beetroot Into Your Routine

Include beetroots in your cooking or workout routine for the numerous health benefits that you can’t get from any other vegetable. Beets are an underutilized component of many different recipes, including salads, soups, smoothies and side dishes. They can even be consumed year round, although they are freshest in the Summer and Fall (from June to October). Add beetroots to your workout smoothie or eat them as a part of your post recovery meal to soak up all the nutritional benefits and expedite your muscle recovery.

Mix Beets Into Your Pre-Workout Drink- Or Try Aila!

Looking to add some color or flavor to your pre-workout smoothie or drink? Beets are an excellent candidate for their unusual color, consistency and flavor. If you’re skeptical to add them in on your own, we recommend the Aila Pre-Workout Alternative that naturally boosts energy and aids workout performance without using harmful chemicals and stimulants that your body doesn’t need.

In addition to beetroot, Aila uses matcha, organic caffeine, biotin, monk fruit, spirulina, bee pollen, vitamin 6 and vitamin 12. That’s it- no hidden ingredients and no surprises, just numerous health benefits for your mind and body. Shop Aila now for 10% off your first order, and free shipping over $40. Keep in touch on social or send us a message at Made from the power of plants (shout out to the beetroot!) for longer term results and a healthier you.

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